The Current Year


I don't know why any of this has happened to me, it must be because it's the current year.
First of all, I was minding my own business on the internet until I made a joke about Anita Sarkeesian. At that point, I attracted the attention of many triggered feminists. They threatened to do many violent things to my body for saying such a joke. I didn't think much of it at first, but what would come later would soon begin to seal my fate.

The E-mail

I noticed that I received some pretty ominous shit in my inbox the next day. I got an e-mail with a video attached to it, revealing the truth of the ultimate Canadian lord of cuckery, Justin Trudeau. It spooked me very much, and I felt compelled to do more research.
Shortly after, I heard myself asking why Trudeau decided to make a gender-balanced cabinet. I swore I heard a whisper in my ear tell me: "It's 2016".
The next e-mail I got was from anonanomylous, threating to ddos the shit out of me for making a joke about their favourite waifu.
I was very spooked by the whole situation, but I knew what I had to do next.

The Expertly Made Super Hacker Program

I needed to know exactly who these spooky shits who sent me videos of Justin Trudeau were. I decided to make a legit boolean in Visual Basic to track the IP of these fuckers to put an end to this once and for all.
It was a pretty effective program, and I found out that the people who were e-mailing me shit were tumblr fuckers. However, these people were one step ahead of me, and I could not predict what would happen to me next.

Anonanomylous Challenges Me

I received another e-mail from ananomylous. They wanted to put an end to my oppressive shitlord ways and would stop at nothing to do so. I needed to outhack those bastards if I wanted to survive.
First, they hacked into my minor mainframe, but that was not enough to stop me and my Visual Basic powers. They started to display a shitload of hentai on my screen in an attempt to spook me. This was not just the normal type of hentai, this was the hyper-realistic kind that haunts your nightmares to no end.
However, I had one more trick up my sleeve.
I finally found their location with my expert hacking skills that I am renowned for. It was finally time to bring the fight to them.

Getting Into the Base

I stealthed into the base of anonanomylous, but no one seemed to be there. In fact, it seemed a little dank and spooky. I could see dead and cancerous memes everywhere. No normal human being could survive alone in this building for very long. I needed to find the person causing all of this before the cancer got to me.
I found my way to a door that stood out to me, even though it looked exactly the same as every single other door in the building. What I would witness next would change my life forever.

Meeting the Spooky Head of Anonanomylous

I began to slowly open the door in front of me. I looked into the room through the small gap of the slightly opened door. I saw many posters of Reisen from Touhou all over the walls of the room. This would be a hard encounter to survive.
However, what I saw next was the spookiest part.
I could see a man at the back of the room, playing what appeared to be Touhou 8. He was dressed in a very proper manner.
"Are you into bunny girls by any chance?", asked the man.
I could see him start to rotate the chair that he was sitting in. Soon, his face was revealed:
It was Trudeau.
"Of course your not into bunny girls you misogynist pig. You hate women too much to enjoy the absolute pleasure that women can bring you," said Trudeau.
"Where's your wife?". I asked. "Shouldn't you be keeping her company instead of wasting your days being a degenerate cuck weeb?"
"Ahh.... you see, I am a proud cuck. All I need are these 2D girls while my wife goes off and enjoys other cucks better than me. That is the true role of men in society. It's 2016 y'know. We were born to be cucks. All Canadian men, and soon all men around the world need to realize this," Trudeau replied.
I could begin to see his eyes glow red, and hyper-realistic blood emit from his hands that probably resulted from masturbating furiously to Reisen.
"I'll give you 3 options, you can either become a woman, a cuck, or you can just kys," Trudeau told me.
I felt myself reach for my pistol to shoot myself in the head. The last word that I heard myself say was:
I soon died, feeling satisfied that I spent my last moments contributing to the use of an intentionally cancerous meme.
Now that you've read this creepypasta, Trudeau will come for you next and try to convert you to cuckism.
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